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knuckle nugg

fing J2307

fing J2307

knuckle nugg

a massive studio crafted nugget so big it nears the knuckle ! thankfully hollow for maximum comfort with expressive hand carved markings on interior. 

size 8 (resizable)
925 silver

this fing can be resized up or down for a quoted fee - to resize simply purchase first, then follow up with an email to

all old jewelry has been worn and loved before and all sales are final.
for extra care, all old jewelry comes with an anti-tarnish baggie and a small polishing cloth. 

Regular price $245.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $245.00 USD
Sale Sold out
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Care Instructions

Whether it's silver or gold, OJ recommends a gentle sudsy rub with dish soap and water. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with non-abrasive towel. Polish with OLD JEWELRY polishing cloth and store in anti-tarnish baggie (both included with purchase).

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